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User:Maly krtek

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the word anarchy origins from the Greek word ἀναρχία:

ἀν (an)=no ἀρχία (archy)=ruler but also beginning/start

the meaning of the word anarchist is the one who has no start. the word start in Greek language also means authorities, thus the anarchist is the one who struggles against the authorities!

  • αναρχική (anarchiki) - Anarchist (female)
  • αναρχικός (anarchikos) - Anarchist (male)
  • αναρχικό (anarchiko) - Anarchist (neutral)

why do I write this? I just recognized that the spanish anarchopedia is flooded with "anarcho"-capitalist articles. "anarcho"-capitalists twisted the meaning of anarchy into only anti-state/anti-government in order to suggest that anarchy and hierarchy/authority could be compatible, what is not only misleading but just wrong!

why do "anarcho"-capitalists try to twist the meaning of anarchy into only anti-state/government? Simply because "anarcho"-capitalism requires/is based on hierarchies/authority. anarchists strictly reject "anarcho"-capitalism as capitalism is a form of hierarchy what requires a social Darwinistic practice and the rejection of hierarchies within "anarcho"-capitalism is only limited on mechanics, which stand against free-market liberalism (engl.).

See also: